Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Beacon Falls Democratic Party Launches Web Site

Beacon Falls Democratic Party Launches Web Site
On-line Resource for Voters; Campaign Information and Issues

Beacon Falls, CT - September 24, 2009 – The Democratic Party of Beacon Falls has launched its web site ( it was announced today by Kathy Grace, Democratic Town Chairman.

The site is intended to provide general information and news to the voters of Beacon Falls. In addition, the web site provides information on the Democratic Platform, the slate of Democrats running in the upcoming election, Campaign News and Events, Campaign Notes, and a message from the First Selectman, Susan Cable.

“This web site is a resource for voters researching party platforms and issues in the upcoming election,” said Kathy. “The objective is to provide information and support for voters on-line. Typically people look on-line and read the papers for information before they make decisions; our goal is to create a positive and informative experience to aid in the decision process.”

The Beacon Falls Democratic Town Committee (DTC) is a strong and growing party. We invite democrats to get involved with the party and the upcoming election; all voters are encouraged to get involved. The DTC meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Town Hall at 7PM.

The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, open, honest and accountable government, and securing our nation while protecting our civil rights and liberties. Please contact Kathy Grace, Democratic Town Chairman at 203-729-9858 for more information.


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